Christian R. Jose
Andreas Jose son of Emanuel Jose and his wife, Friederika (Buhneknusz) Jose, was born May,
1849. He married Elizabeth Gartner and they homesteaded in Bon Homme Co., South Dakota
near Lesterville, S.D. 1898, the father, Andreas, died, leaving his widow and six children. The
two older daughters, Elizabeth and Katie married in South Dakota and continued to live there.
Elizabeth married Phillip Heil farmed near Lesterville.
In 1899 or 1900, Elizabeth Jose, a widow, sold the farm in South Dakota and moved to North
Dakota with the other four younger children: Louise, Christian, Emanuel and Emma She bought
a farm about 12 miles south of Antelope, N.D. located on the NW¼ of the SE¼ of Sec. 8, T. 137,
R. 91, later known as the Jacob Reich farm, in Stark Co.
Daughter, Louise, married the Rev. Henry Hoersch, a German Congregational minister.
Christian, the older son, married Katherina Schempp of Garrison, N.D. on Dec. 31, 1903 and
they made their home on the SW¼ of SE¼ of Sec. 8, T. 137, R. 91, Stark Co. Christian, the
father, died July 4, 1907 by drowning in Heart River a few miles from their home, while he and
some neighbors were fishing and swimming. He left his widow, Katherina, and three children
Clara, Christian R. and Emma. Clara married Benjamin Sayler and they farmed southeast of
Hebron in Grant Co. until they retired to Hebron. Christian R. farmed near the home place until
1939, when he sold out and bought a store in Manhatten, Mont. He is now retired and lives in
Hebron, N.D. Emma married Adam Schneider and they farmed south of Hebron, Morton Co.
May 3, 1937, Emma died, leaving her husband and one daughter, Lorraine, now Mrs. Roy
Barreth of San Matea, Calif. Emanuel, the second son of Elizabeth Jose, married the widow,
Katherina Jose, and they also made their home on the SW¼ of the SE¼ of Sec. 8, which was the
former home of Christian Jose. This farm has been known as the Jose farm. Emanuel Jose died
May 2, 1944, leaving his widow, Katherina and three children to survive. The children were
Martha, Bertha and Emanuel Edwin. Martha, now a widow, was married to Ray Weber, and lives
in Billings, Mont. She has three children. Ramona is at home with her mother. Ronald is married
and lives in Colville, Wash. They have four children. Nancy, Mrs. Gary Martin, lives in Ukiah,
In 1945, Mrs. Katherina Jose, widow of Emanuel Jose, sold the farm to Edward Luithle who farmed
and lived on the place until fall of 1956, when he sold the farm to Tony Messer, the present
Bertha married Albert Schatz and they farmed south of Hebron in Morton Co. and are now
retired and live in Hebron. Emanuel Edwin married Violet Mayer, 1945. They have three
children and live in Bismarck and own the Good News Bible Book Store. Mrs. Katherina Jose
made her home with her son, Emanuel Edwin, until she passed away Oct. 1, 1950.
The Jose family were: Emanuel Jose, date of birth unknown, died in 1892 or 93; his wife
Friederike, date of birth and death unknown; Andreas Jose, son of Emanuel Jose, was born May
1849, died June 15, 1898; his wife Elizabeth born Sept 12, 1851, died Jan. 16, 1916. Another son
Christian Jose born Aug. 24, 1878, died July 4, 1907; his wife Katherina born July 1, 1876, died
Oct. 1, 1950. Emanuel Jose born June 17, 1887, died May 2, 1944.
Children of Christian Jose: Clara, now Mrs. Benjamin Sayler. They have two daughters. Alma
married to Rev. Harold Stepanik, Ellendale, N.D. and they have three children: Carolin, Cecely
and Bryon. Christian R., Hebron, was married to Elsie Schwartzman. There were no children.
Emma married Adam Schneider and they had one daughter, Lorraine, San Mateo, Calif. She
married Roy Berreth and has one son, Loni.
Children of Emanuel Jose: Martha, married Reinhold Weber, who died June 6, 1963. They have
three children: Ramona, Ronald and Nancy. Bertha married Albert Schatz. They have three
children: Harold, Calvin and Linda, who married Tom Carmon. They live in Wisconsin.
Emanuel Edwin married Violet Mayer. They have three children: Donna, Mrs. Rev. Eldon Reich,
Watertown, S.D.; Donald, a U.S. Attorney, lives in Washington, D.C. He is married to Leslis
Paschke. David, a fourth year medical student, is married to Joyce Paschke They live in St. Paul,
Minn, where he is getting his medical training.
The second daughter of Benjamin Sayler's Wilma, is married to Ervin Winik and they live in
Columbia, Md. Both she and her husband are working in the social security office, Baltimore.
Bertha's oldest son, Harold, married Joyce Schmalenberger. They live in Hawaii, where he flies
for the Hawaii Airlines. The second son is deceased.
By Christian R. Jose
Andreas Jose son of Emanuel Jose and his wife, Friederika (Buhneknusz) Jose, was born May,
1849. He married Elizabeth Gartner and they homesteaded in Bon Homme Co., South Dakota
near Lesterville, S.D. 1898, the father, Andreas, died, leaving his widow and six children. The
two older daughters, Elizabeth and Katie married in South Dakota and continued to live there.
Elizabeth married Phillip Heil farmed near Lesterville.
In 1899 or 1900, Elizabeth Jose, a widow, sold the farm in South Dakota and moved to North
Dakota with the other four younger children: Louise, Christian, Emanuel and Emma She bought
a farm about 12 miles south of Antelope, N.D. located on the NW¼ of the SE¼ of Sec. 8, T. 137,
R. 91, later known as the Jacob Reich farm, in Stark Co.
Daughter, Louise, married the Rev. Henry Hoersch, a German Congregational minister.
Christian, the older son, married Katherina Schempp of Garrison, N.D. on Dec. 31, 1903 and
they made their home on the SW¼ of SE¼ of Sec. 8, T. 137, R. 91, Stark Co. Christian, the
father, died July 4, 1907 by drowning in Heart River a few miles from their home, while he and
some neighbors were fishing and swimming. He left his widow, Katherina, and three children
Clara, Christian R. and Emma. Clara married Benjamin Sayler and they farmed southeast of
Hebron in Grant Co. until they retired to Hebron. Christian R. farmed near the home place until
1939, when he sold out and bought a store in Manhatten, Mont. He is now retired and lives in
Hebron, N.D. Emma married Adam Schneider and they farmed south of Hebron, Morton Co.
May 3, 1937, Emma died, leaving her husband and one daughter, Lorraine, now Mrs. Roy
Barreth of San Matea, Calif. Emanuel, the second son of Elizabeth Jose, married the widow,
Katherina Jose, and they also made their home on the SW¼ of the SE¼ of Sec. 8, which was the
former home of Christian Jose. This farm has been known as the Jose farm. Emanuel Jose died
May 2, 1944, leaving his widow, Katherina and three children to survive. The children were
Martha, Bertha and Emanuel Edwin. Martha, now a widow, was married to Ray Weber, and lives
in Billings, Mont. She has three children. Ramona is at home with her mother. Ronald is married
and lives in Colville, Wash. They have four children. Nancy, Mrs. Gary Martin, lives in Ukiah,
In 1945, Mrs. Katherina Jose, widow of Emanuel Jose, sold the farm to Edward Luithle who farmed
and lived on the place until fall of 1956, when he sold the farm to Tony Messer, the present
Bertha married Albert Schatz and they farmed south of Hebron in Morton Co. and are now
retired and live in Hebron. Emanuel Edwin married Violet Mayer, 1945. They have three
children and live in Bismarck and own the Good News Bible Book Store. Mrs. Katherina Jose
made her home with her son, Emanuel Edwin, until she passed away Oct. 1, 1950.
The Jose family were: Emanuel Jose, date of birth unknown, died in 1892 or 93; his wife
Friederike, date of birth and death unknown; Andreas Jose, son of Emanuel Jose, was born May
1849, died June 15, 1898; his wife Elizabeth born Sept 12, 1851, died Jan. 16, 1916. Another son
Christian Jose born Aug. 24, 1878, died July 4, 1907; his wife Katherina born July 1, 1876, died
Oct. 1, 1950. Emanuel Jose born June 17, 1887, died May 2, 1944.
Children of Christian Jose: Clara, now Mrs. Benjamin Sayler. They have two daughters. Alma
married to Rev. Harold Stepanik, Ellendale, N.D. and they have three children: Carolin, Cecely
and Bryon. Christian R., Hebron, was married to Elsie Schwartzman. There were no children.
Emma married Adam Schneider and they had one daughter, Lorraine, San Mateo, Calif. She
married Roy Berreth and has one son, Loni.
Children of Emanuel Jose: Martha, married Reinhold Weber, who died June 6, 1963. They have
three children: Ramona, Ronald and Nancy. Bertha married Albert Schatz. They have three
children: Harold, Calvin and Linda, who married Tom Carmon. They live in Wisconsin.
Emanuel Edwin married Violet Mayer. They have three children: Donna, Mrs. Rev. Eldon Reich,
Watertown, S.D.; Donald, a U.S. Attorney, lives in Washington, D.C. He is married to Leslis
Paschke. David, a fourth year medical student, is married to Joyce Paschke They live in St. Paul,
Minn, where he is getting his medical training.
The second daughter of Benjamin Sayler's Wilma, is married to Ervin Winik and they live in
Columbia, Md. Both she and her husband are working in the social security office, Baltimore.
Bertha's oldest son, Harold, married Joyce Schmalenberger. They live in Hawaii, where he flies
for the Hawaii Airlines. The second son is deceased.
By Christian R. Jose